Abortion Counseling – North Carolina

NC Informed Consent to Abortion

NC has made a new law that requires a certified counselor to read to you some information on informed consent 72 hours before your abortion. You may read this information below, but you must call in and speak to our certified counselor according to NC law. We will be happy to go over any additional questions that you may have when you call and come in for your appointment.

Although abortion is a relatively safe procedure, the NC law requires us to inform you that there are certain risks you should know about, such as:

Infection, hemorrhage, cervical tear or uterine perforation, danger to subsequent pregnancies, including the ability to carry a child to full term, and any adverse psychological effects associated with abortion.

There are also many medical risks associated with carrying a pregnancy to term, such as:

Infection, hemorrhage, stroke, cervical tear or uterine perforation, danger to subsequent pregnancies, including the ability to carry a child to full term, hysterectomy and post-partum depression.

You will need to know the date of your last menstrual period to estimate the gestational age of your pregnancy.

When you come to the office, you will have an ultrasound to determine a more precise gestational age. You will also be given the name of the physician who will perform the abortion, whether the physician has liability insurance for malpractice and the location of a hospital that offers Obstetrical or Gynecological care within 30 miles of the office. You will also be informed as to whether or not the physician performing the abortion has clinical privileges at this hospital.

Medical assistance benefits may be available for prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care.

Public assistance programs under Chapter 108A of the General Statutes may or may not be available as benefits under federal and state assistance programs.

The father is liable to assist in the support of the child, even if the father has offered to pay for the abortion.

You have alternatives to abortion, including keeping the baby or placing the baby for adoption.

You have the right to review the printed materials on the state-sponsored Web site:

You may also pick up these materials at our office.

You are free to withhold or withdraw your consent to the abortion at any time before or during the abortion without affecting your right to future care or treatment and without the loss of any State or federally funded benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled.

When you come for your abortion, you will need to sign a statement saying that you have heard this information at least 72 hours before your abortion.

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